Service Introduction表观遗传学是研究基因的核苷酸序列不爆发改变的情形下,基因表达可遗传转变的一门遗传学分支学科。DNA甲基化(DNA methylation)、组918博天堂修饰(histone modification)、基因组印记(genomic imprinting)、RNA编辑(RNA editing)、基因默然、核仁显性、休眠转座子激活和性别相关性基因剂量赔偿效应等都是典范的表观遗传征象。
表观遗传调控研究手艺分为转录前调控研究手艺和转录后调控研究手艺。转录前调控研究手艺主要包括:MSP、BSP、ChIP、EMSA、DNA Pull down、酵母单杂交(Y1H)、Hi-C;转录后调控研究手艺主要包括RIP、RNA Pull down 、双萤光素酶报告系统等。
金开瑞致力于ChIP、EMSA、DNA/RNA pull down、RIP、双萤光素酶系统、MSP(甲基化特异性PCR法)、BSP(亚硫酸氢钠处置惩罚后测序法)等实验手艺效劳。除了提供优质的手艺效劳外,我们还可以为您提供表观遗传学整体项目设计,整体项目实验,整体项目跟踪效劳,金开瑞多年的实验和项目治理履历,将助力您表观遗传研究。
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ChIP 染色体免疫共沉淀(Chromatin Immunoprecipitation,ChIP)是基于体内剖析生长起来的要领,也称团结位点剖析法,在已往十年已经成为表观遗传信息研究的主要要领。这项手艺资助研究者判断在细胞核中基因组的某一特定位置会泛起何种组918博天堂修饰。ChIP 不但可以检测体内反式因子与DNA 的动态作用,还可以用来研究组918博天堂的种种共价修饰与基因表达的关系。近年来,这种手艺获得一直的生长和完善。接纳团结微阵列手艺在染色体基因表达调控区域检查染色体活性,是深入剖析癌症、心血管疾病以及中央神经系统杂乱等疾病的主要通路的一种很是有用的工具。

A. Rapid increase of histone acetylation in silent genes caused by HDAC inhibitor treatment.ChIP assays were performed using H3K9ac and H4K16ac antibodies with chromatin from cells treated in the absence or presence of HDAC inhibitors. The ChIP DNA was analyzed using qPCR.
B. The ChIP-Seq signals for the DIPA gene (active) and FOSL1 gene (silent) were displayed.The signals highlighted in blue are not statistically significant as determined using peak-finding programs.
(Wang Z, Zang C, et al. Genome-wide mapping of HATs and HDACs reveals distinct functions in active and inactive genes [J]. Cell. 2009 Sep 4;138(5):1019-31.)
凝胶迁徙或电泳迁徙率检测(Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay,EMSA)是一种检测918博天堂质和DNA 序列相互团结的手艺,可用于定性和定量剖析。凭证实验设计特异性和非特异性探针,当核酸探针与样本918博天堂混淆孵育时,样本中可以与核酸探针团结的918博天堂质与探针形成918博天堂-探针复合物。这种复合物由于分子量大,在举行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳时迁徙较慢,而没有团结918博天堂的探针则较快。孵育的样本在举行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳并转膜后,918博天堂-探针复合物会在膜靠前的位置形成一条带,说明有918博天堂与目的探针爆发互作。现在已用于研究RNA 团结918博天堂和特定的RNA 序列的相互作用,是转录因子研究的经典要领。
金开瑞提供EMSA 检测手艺效劳,资助您检测DNA 团结918博天堂、RNA 团结918博天堂、特定的918博天堂质,并可举行未知918博天堂的判断。

The EMSA results of binding of AlgR to the rsmX/Y/Z promoter sequence.
(Li M, Yan J, Yan Y. The Pseudomonas transcriptional regulator AlgR controls LipA expression via the noncoding RNA RsmZ in Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 May 20;487(1):173-180.)
甲基化特异性是指用亚硫酸氢钠处置惩罚基因组DNA,未甲基化的胞嘧啶酿成尿嘧啶,而甲基化的胞嘧啶稳固,然后用3对特异性的引物对所测基因的统一核苷酸序枚举行扩增。扩增产品用DNA 琼脂糖凝胶电泳,凝胶扫描视察剖析效果。

A. Methylation specific PCR of CASP8, MASPIN, TMS1 and MDR1 in prostate cancer cells. DNA from prostate cancer cells were Bisulfite modified using EZ methylation kit (Zymo Research) and then PCR done using methylation specific primers and unmethylation specific primers. Because in the cells sometimes methylated and unmethylated both copies are present, so depending upon the number copies they get amplified.
B. Methylation specific PCR of CASP8, MASPIN, TMS1 and MDR1 in 5-aza-dC (5?M/48hrs) treated prostate cancer cells.
C. Bisulfite sequencing chromatogram of TMS1 gene showing methylation in LNCaP, DU145 and PC3, partial methylation in PC3 and Unmethylation in RWPE1.
D. Diagrammatic representation of methylation pattern of TMS1 and MDR1 gene at different promoter positions in RWPE1, LNCaP, DU145 and PC3. Dark circles (●) represents methylated sites, shadowed circles (An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.Object name is nihms159165ig1.jpg) represent partially methylated sites and blank circles (○) represents unmethylated sites in TMS1 and MDR1 promoter region.
(Mishra DK, Chen Z, et al. Global methylation pattern of genes in androgen-sensitive and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells [J]. Mol Cancer Ther. 2010 Jan;9(1):33-45.)
亚硫酸氢盐处置惩罚后测序法:这种要领一度被以为是DNA 甲基化剖析的金标准。它的历程如下:经由亚硫酸氢盐处置惩罚后,用PCR 扩增目的片断,并对PCR 产品举行测序,将序列与未经处置惩罚的序枚举行较量,判断CpG 位点是否爆发甲基化。这种要领可靠,且准确度高,能明确目的片断中每一个CpG 位点的甲基化状态。

Rad23b and Ddit3 methylation determined by BSP. Bisulfite treated DNA was amplified by PCR with BSP primers. PCR products were cloned into the pUC57 vector, and five clones selected and sequenced from each sample. Methylation level was defined as the ratio of methylated CpG sites in all clones.
A. Typical sequencing results;
B. early effects, tissues were collected 2 h postirradiation;
C. delay effects, 1 month postirradiation. *P,0.05 versus control.
(Wang J, Zhang Y, et al. Genome-wide screen of DNA methylation changes induced by low dose X-ray radiation in mice [J]. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 10;9(3):e90804.)
DNA pull down是用于剖析918博天堂质与DNA互作的一种剖析手艺。一样平常来说,该实验首先需要针看待研究目的基因的调控区域设计并制备特异性探针(以脱硫生物素标记为主流)。同时,制备细胞核提取物;将探针和核提取物配合孵育,DNA 团结918博天堂就会和靶向序列特异性团结。然后,通过亲和素磁珠纯化918博天堂质DNA 复合物。最后针对获得的918博天堂,使用WB 验证或者质谱方法判断918博天堂质类型。

Examples of the liquid chemiluminescent DNA pull-down assay. (A–C) Light emission was measured from the liquid chemiluminescent DNA pull-down assay to indicate binding. The histograms indicate relative light emission. Data are shown as means ± x001D. (A) Effect of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) on thyroid hormone receptor β1 (TRβ1)-thyroid hormone response element (TRE) binding. Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-TRβ1 was incubated with digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled TRE with or without T3 and/or PCB. (B) Effect of PCB on steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1)-TRβ1-TRE binding. GST-SRC-1 was incubated with in vitro-translated TRβ1 and retinoid X receptor (RXR), then SRC-1-TRβ1/RXR complex was incubated with DIG-labeled TRE with or without T3 and/or PCB for 1 h at room temperature. (C) Effect of tamoxifen on silent mediator for retinoid and thyroid hormone (SMRT)-estrogen receptor α(ERα )-estrogen response element (ERE) binding. GST-SMRT was incubated with ERα, then SMRT-ERα complex was incubated with DIG-labeled ERE with or without 17β-estradiol (E2) and/or tamoxifen (TAM). After detection reaction, light emission was measured to indicate binding as described above. Data are shown as means ±SEM.
(Iwasaki T, Miyazaki W, et al. Liquid chemiluminescent DNA pull-down assay to measure nuclear receptor-DNA binding in solution [J]. Biotechniques. 2008 Oct;45(4):445-8.)
将提取的样品RNA 逆转录成单链cDNA,经长距离聚合酶链反应扩增获得双链cDNA,再经CHROMA SPIN TE-400 柱子纯化后与酵母表达载体pGADT7-Rec 线性子粒共转至Y1HGold [pBait-AbAi] 酵母感受态,经SD/-Leu/AbA 缺陷作育基筛选出与诱饵序列相互作用的猎物918博天堂。

Description of the Y1H screens approach conducted with Zat12 promoter segments as baits.
(Ben Daniel BH, Cattan E, et al. Identification of novel transcriptional regulators of Zat12 using comprehensive yeast one-hybrid screens [J]. Physiol Plant. 2016 Aug;157(4):422-41.)
Hi-C (High-through chromosome conformation capture) 是以整个细胞核为研究工具,使用高通量测序手艺,团结生物信息剖析要领,研究全基因组规模内整个染色质DNA 在空间位置上的关系,获得高区分率的染色质调控元件相互作用图谱。Hi-C 可以与RNA-Seq、ChIP-Seq 等数据举行团结剖析,从基因调控网络和表观遗传网络来叙述生物体性状形成的相关机制。

Figure. HiC-DC identifies identifies interactions associated with regulatory and structural elements at the sub-TAD level.
a. Raw Hi-C count matrix from the Rao et al.11 GM12878 data set for aB700 kb region including the BLC2 locus. Sub-TAD regions as called by Rao et al.11 are shown as blue squares.
b. Significant interactions (–log10 P values) for the same region as estimated by HiC-DC.
c. Epigenomic tracks for GM12878 for the same region, showing DNase I hypersensitive sites, H3K27ac, ChIP-seq for components of the cohesin complex, and Hi-C hotspots as estimated by HiC-DC.
d. Sashimi plot depiction of significant interactions called by HiC-DC, showing chromatin looping between hotspots associated with regulatory and structural elements.
(Carty M, Zamparo L, et al. An integrated model for detecting significant chromatin interactions from high-resolution Hi-C data [J]. Nat Commun. 2017 May 17;8:15454.)
RIP 手艺(RNA Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation Assay,RNA 团结918博天堂免疫沉淀)主要是运用针对目的918博天堂的抗体把响应的RNA-918博天堂复合物沉淀下来,然后经由疏散纯化就可以对团结在复合物上的RNA 举行q-PCR 验证或者测序剖析。RIP 是研究细胞内RNA 与918博天堂团结情形的手艺,是相识转录后调控网络动态历程的有力工具,可以资助我们发明miRNA 的调理靶点。
凭证客户需求,金开瑞可以提供RNA/918博天堂、RNA/RNA 互作验证RIP 手艺效劳。
● 使用目的918博天堂寻找验证RNA(918博天堂/RNA互作):

图. AP-1918博天堂与RNA的相互作用RIP
● 使用目的lncRNA寻找验证miRNA(RNA/RNA互作):

图. MS2- RIP实验原理图(表达Lnc-A的质粒富集miRNA1miRNA2的效率比不表达Lnc-A的MS2组显着提高。通过比照,说明MS2-A可以与miRNA1和miRNA2相互团结)
使用体外转录法标记生物素RNA 探针,然后与胞浆918博天堂提取液孵育,形成RNA-918博天堂质复合物。该复合物可与链霉亲和素标记的磁珠团结,从而与孵育液中的其他因素疏散。复合物洗脱后,通过WB 实验检测特定的RNA 团结918博天堂是否与RNA 相互作用。918博天堂质与RNA 的相互作用是许多细胞功效的焦点,如918博天堂质合成、mRNA 组装、病毒复制、细胞发育调控等。若待检测目的918博天堂明确,选择WB 判断;若不明确,则可选择质谱判断。
金开瑞现提供RNA pull down 检测手艺效劳,使用特异性二抗举行检测,能有用阻止抗体重链对效果的信号滋扰,配套先进的质谱仪,能显著提升检测效果。

图. pull down下来的918博天堂银染图。凭证胶上条带的差别情形和实验目的,选择质谱或者WB判断pull down下来的918博天堂

图. SDS-PAGE电泳后质谱判断
双萤光素酶报告基因用于实验系统中作相关的或成比例的检测,通常一个报告基因作为内比照,使另一个报告基因的检测均一化。检测基因表达时双报告基因通常用来瞬时转染作育细胞,带有实验报告基因的载体共转染带有差别的报告基因作为比照的第二个载体。通常实验报告基因偶联到调控的启动子,研究调控基因的结构和心理基础。报告基因表达活力的相对改变与偶联调控启动子转录活力的改变相关,偶联到组成型启动子的第二个报告基因,提供转录活力的内比照,使测试不被实验条件转变所滋扰。通过这种要领, 可镌汰内在的转变因素所削弱的实验准确性, 如作育细胞的数目和活力的差别, 细胞转染和裂解的效率。理想的双报告基因要领应该使用户能够以萤火虫萤光素酶所具有的速率,迅速和线性规模对统一样品中的两个报告基因同时测定。
金开瑞应用Promega 公司的双萤光素酶报告基因检测(DLR)系统,提供DLR 检测效劳。

图. 双萤光素酶和RIP验证lncRNA可以与miR-26a团结
(C Cao, Zhang T, Zhang D, et al.The long non-coding RNA, SNHG6-003, functions as a competing endogenous RNA to promote the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Oncogene. 2017 Feb 23;36(8):1112-1122. )